User Preferences

User preferences are dedicated settings for each SpeedBase user. Each user can save in this window their own preferences.

Open "Database" from main menu, select "Preferences" and then click to "My Preferences" section.

Font & Colors


Toolbar Style: Select the preferred style of the main toolbar.

Font & Colors

Use Custom Font: You may select a custom font and size to display data. In some locales, selecting a different font might help the characters to be displayed correctly.

Customize Colors and Background: Check this box to use custom colors on application interface. You may also apply soft background pictures to record windows to make SpeedBase more colorful. Unchecking this box will revert to the defaults.

Save selected settings as default for all users: Check this box to apply select font and color settings to be applied to all SpeedBase users. This feature is applicable for multiuser licenses.


Open each catalog in separate tabs: When you click a catalog folder from catalog tree, the list of records of that catalog will be displayed. If you check this box, clicking each distinct catalog will open a new tab on the main window. Checked by default.

Save recently opened record history: If checked (default), a list of shortcuts for the most recently accessed records will be displayed under "Recent" menu.

Minimize to system tray: Hides SpeedBase window to system tray if you click the minimize button. You may restore the window by clicking the SpeedBase icon on system tray. Checked by default.

Continue running in the background if closed: If you close the main window by clicking the [X] button, SpeedBase will be minimized to system tray by default and stays running. You may uncheck this box to terminate the application completely, but beware that, SpeedBase cannot display your reminders or incoming instant messages on time if you do not allow it running. Checked by default.
SpeedBase requires very little processing power when it is running idle in the background.

Mouse sensitive tip buttons: If checked, a tip balloon is displayed whenever your mouse moves thru a tip icon or help button. Uncheck this box if you find this behaviour annoying, in this case the tips are shown only if you click to the tip icons.

Show context sensitive tips: A tip window is displayed when a user follows certain actions to speed up the learning curve of the new users.

Default Catalog: Select the catalog which will automatically open when you start SpeedBase.

Message Sounds: Select how much message sounds should be created.

Default Snooze Time: Select the time in minutes at which a reminder is postponed when the reminder window is closed without dismissing.

Clean Up

You may use this section to delete old and unnecessary instant messages, reminders and custom words you have added to the dictionary of the spell checker.


Remember my login name: If checked, the login window will remember the last user name that is logged in, when SpeedBase is started.

Remember my password: If checked, you will automatically be logged in on startup using the last used user name and password. So the login screen is bypassed. You may prefere this setting if you are the only user of the computer and/or the data on your database is not confidental from other people who share the same computer.

Start SpeedBase when Windows starts: This should be left checked to ensure that SpeedBase is kept running in order allow the reminders and instant messages are displayed timely.

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