Item Singular Name: Type the name of the items stored in this catalog in singular form, examples: Company, Contact, Photo.
Primary Field: Select the field that is most descriptive for each record (e.g. Name Surname for "People" catalog).
You may change this setting anytime you wish. Data on this field is displayed on top of each record as the record header.
Tip: If selecting a single field from your record is not descriptive enough, you may consider creating a computed field
which concatenates multiple field data to form a more descriptive text, e.g. name+surname+company name. You may then set
this computed field as the primary field of the catalog.
Search Field: Select the field which should be used as default whenever a search is made. In most cases selecting "All Fields" gives the most convenient result. If you select a specific field, the search box shown on top of record list window will search on that field only by default.
Displayed On Catalog Tree: By default, SpeedBase displays a folder icon for each catalog on catalog tree. You may hide the catalog from catalog tree if you uncheck this box.
Enable Activity Control: Check this box, if you wish to set the states of records as "active" or "inactive". See Activating/Deactivating Records for more info.
Enable Record Locking: Check this box, if you wish to enable record protection for this catalog. See Record Protection for more info.
Use cache: This feature should be activated only temporarily by advanced users under exceptional circumstances
which cause extremely slow access to your database, i.e. local network problems or internet connection issues in case you
use a VPN to connect to your database. Otherwise this option must be left unchecked.
When checked, SpeedBase will stop automatically reloading records to reflect changes when you change a record
or your database design. Records are refreshed only if the user manually clicks the "reload" button.
Remember to disable this setting as soon as the issues are resolved.