Examples for Access Rights Management
We have included below two typical cases of access control. After exercising the examples below, you will be able to fine tune
the access control to work for many different cases.
Example#1: Deny Access to a Selection of Catalogs
This example shows you how to grant a user or a user group access to ALL catalogs BY DEFAULT and then add an exception to deny access
to an explicitly specified catalog. Note that, the user will automatically have access to any newly created catalog in the future.
- Click "Users" menu, select "User Groups". You will see a default user group named as "System Administrators" in the user group list.
You should never assign this user group to a user for which you would like to restrict access.
Click "Create New" button to create a new user group (e.g. "Sale Department"). Leave the box named "Default Permissions for Record Management"
as checked, grant all or the desired default rights for the catalogs the user can access, create the group. Close all opened windows.
- Click "Users" menu, select "User Accounts". Select the desired user, click "Modify" to open user properties window.
- On the "User Properties" window, click to "User Groups" tab. Add the newly created user group to this user.
Remove all other user groups. Make sure that "System Administrators" group does not show up here. Close all opened windows.
- Click "User" menu, select "Access Right Manager". Click "Create New" to create a new access right exception.
- If you would like to apply the restriction only to a single user, select "Authority" as "User" and then the desired user.
If you would like to restrict each user who is a member of the new user group you have created (e.g. all sale assistants),
select "User Group" and then select the user group you have just created.
- Select the catalog for which you would like restrict access. From the access permission section, deny either all access rights
or the desired ones. Leave other check boxes as they are.
- Save changes and close all opened windows.
The users belonging to the new user group will now access to all catalogs except for the restricted one. You may at any time create additional
access right directives to restrict more catalogs for the user / user group.
Example#2: Grant Access to a Selection of Catalogs
This example shows you how to deny a user or a user group access to ALL catalogs BY DEFAULT and then add an exception to grant access
to an explicitly specified catalog. Note that, the user will automatically be denied access to any newly created catalog in the future.
- Click "Users" menu, select "User Groups". You will see a default user group named as "System Administrators" in the user group list.
You should never assign this user group to a user for which you would like to restrict access.
Click "Create New" button to create a new user group (e.g. "Sale Department"). Uncheck the box named "Default Permissions for Record Management"
to prevent access to all catalogs by defaut. Alternatively, you may grant some limited rights (e.g. read-only) by defaut.
Close all opened windows.
- Click "Users" menu, select "User Accounts". Select the desired user, click "Modify" to open user properties window.
- On the "User Properties" window, click to "User Groups" tab. Add the newly created user group to this user.
Remove all other user groups. Make sure that "System Administrators" group does not show up here. Close all opened windows.
- Click "User" menu, select "Access Right Manager". Click "Create New" to create a new access right exception.
- If you would like to grant access permissions only to a single user, select "Authority" as "User" and then the desired user.
If you would like to grant access to each user who is a member of the new user group you have created (e.g. all sale assistants),
select "User Group" and then select the user group you have just created.
- Select the catalog for which you would like grant access. From the access permission section, grant either all access rights
or the desired ones. Leave other check boxes as they are.
- Save changes and close all opened windows.
The users belonging to the new user group will now be denied access to all catalogs except the one you have explicitly defined.
You may at any time create additional access right directives to enable access to more catalogs for the user / user group.
For multiuser (Teamwork) licenses:
Beware that, access control management in SpeedBase is designed mostly for preventing accidental data loss, to keep the desired part of the information away
from curious people around and from your own users who simply do not need it. This feature should not be considered as a high level of protection
to conceal sensitive information from the users to whom you have given access to the location of your database.
If you want to save sensitive information like passwords, you are recommended to use encryption feature.